The option is ultimately theirs because both A-Levels, as well as the IB, use their own set of advantages and disadvantages. If you do want your child’s education to have greater depth, independence, and an international perspective, the IB program is one to explore. There’s no need to be concerned about standards because Singapore’s schooling institution is well-equipped to develop your kid no matter which path they take. Some families may be particularly concerned about the lack of assistance for IB students in Singapore due to the lesser number of students pursuing the course. We’re here to assist you with that! So we are very well programs such as JC Physics tutoring, apply for ib singapore chatsworth we also accept IB students and provide IP courses.
Benefits of IB
It’s also ‘international’ in another sense: the diploma is universally acknowledged across the world, notably by major US and UK universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, and Oxford. As a result, pupils vying for a university spot didn’t have to worry regarding utilizing their IB marks to qualify. Closer to the real process of learning the IB, many people are drawn to it because of its breadth. It requires a learner to follow courses from a variety of fields, notably research writing in EE and non-academic skill development in CAS. It adequately prepares pupils for autonomous learning and intellectual rigor that are frequently demanded of university students. On a much more practical level, it has been noted that the criterion for attending university with IB marks is more ‘lenient’ than with A-Level grades. To give you an example, medical school candidates are required to have consecutive A’s. Straight A’s can be found in the bottom tenth percentile of successful candidates.
Is it necessary for one’s child to take the IB?
The option is ultimately theirs because both A-Levels, as well as the IB, use their own set of advantages and disadvantages. If you want your child’s education to have greater depth, independence, and an international perspective, the IB program is one to explore. There’s no need to be concerned about standards because Singapore’s schooling institution is well-equipped to develop your kid no matter which path they take. Some families may be particularly concerned about the lack of assistance for IB students in Singapore due to the lesser number of students pursuing the course. We’re here to assist you with that! So we are very well programs such as JC Physics tutoring, apply for ib singapore chatsworth we also accept IB students and provide IP courses.